

It is generally natural-born. Besides, it may emerge based on cut-off of cornea with surgical procedures, pyogenesis or trauma on cornea. At least in % 90 of facts, amelioration of astigmatism is not easy. If there is no a severe disorder in corneal curvature, that person may not be aware of refractive error. Since, it associates the vision upon one of two vertical platforms reflexively by making accordance. Therefore, complaints related to ever-changing focusing emerge in order to comply with between two focal lengths in astigmatism. Patient complains of head ache, pain in bulbus oculi, sense heaviness in eyes and combustion because of this fatigue. Sclera turns red. These complaints, for instance, increase while watching a movie. In people who have healthy eyes, cornea is in form of a globe slice, and its curvature is same towards each way. Thus, rays head for the focal point by evenly refracting in all directions. If cornea’s curvature does not equally disperse to all directions and especially if there is a curvature between directions cutting each other at straight angle, the rays are refracted in varied proportion while getting through the lens. We can describe astigmatism as occurrence of a vision of an object in form of a dot on perpendicular two distinct planes.


People having astigmatism see distant or blurry in near or shadowy. Vision is never sharp. Lines clear in a direction can be seen blurry in 90 degree opposite direction. For instance, while vertical marge of a window is clear, horizontal marge may be seen blurred. Effort of seeing clearly may lead headache and pain and pressure around the eye and the person may have to leave the job by getting tired easily. Astigmatism may exist in different degrees, and % 30-40 of those wearing glasses or lens have astigmatic. Astigmatic can exist together with myopia and hypermetropia as well as it can solitarily exist either.

Update Date : 25-04-2022

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